Hyperion’s mass transfer technologies are self-regulating, foul-resistant, and require minimal operator attention. Incorporating modular construction, Hyperion’s designs are low-profile and require little to no pretreatment.
Ammonia Treatment
Converts to concentrated liquid or solid
Creation of fertilizer (sellable) byproduct
Influent levels > 15,000 mg/L
Most efficient technology on the market
Works where other technologies cannot
Volatile Organic Compounds
Greater than 99% removal and destruction
No chemical addition required
Low vertical profile and small footprint
Simple, low-cost operation
Most efficient technology on the market
Nitrate Removal
Over 99% nitrate removal as N-NO3
Consistent effluent levels < 1 mg/L
Most compact design, < 1 HRT
Large peak absorption capability
Simple, self-regulating operation
Liquid Gas Extraction
Acid Gas: CO2, Radon, etc.
No chemical addition required
Low vertical profile and small footprint
Most efficient technology on the market
Metals and Phosphorous Removal
Little or no chemical addition required
Low vertical profile and small footprint
Simple, low-cost operation
Most efficient technology on the market
Hydrogen Sulfide Treatment
Extraction and conversion to liquid form
Liquid or vapor phase to non-detect levels
Treats direct from wastewater or vapor source
Beneficial byproduct: sodium hydrosulfide